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  • Writer's pictureMikayla

Miko Peled

Today we had a special guest speaker, Miko Peled who came in to talk about Palestinians and how they are treated in America as well as in their own country of Palestine.

In his talk Mr. Peled had talked about his book, Injustice which is about the Holy Land Foundation, an organization that I have never heard of before. HLF was dedicated to helping refugees, orphans, victims of natural disaster, and those who are poor. Peled tells about the trials that HLF and the 5 men who worked there had been subjected to America's unfair justice system. These men had stood by their words, their morals, and stood their ground against racist all just to go to prison and still say that they were free. Inspirational.

Later, in the talk Mr. Peled talked about how Palestinians are treated in Palestine. He talked about how only 2% of the water in Gaza is drinkable, how Palestinians houses are raided by Israeli police, how Palestinians are forced to leave their homes, how America gives more than 10 million everyday to Palestine, but it all goes to Israel, that America turns a blind eye to this place where the people are undergoing genocide and the children are taken as prisoners.

It just amazes me how America can stick its nose into other countries and tell them what they are doing is not right or try to help, but just sits back and watches the poor Palestinians as they feed the people who are killing them money. I doesn't make any sense.

Anyway I have learned a lot today in the short hour that we listened to Miko Peled and I absolutely loved it. #FreePalestine

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