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  • Writer's pictureMikayla

Reflection #5

All this week have been talking about the Arab-Israeli Conflict and today for this reflection I must come up with a possible solution.

Unfortunately, Professor Carol Zaru could not come in to talk more on the subject being that it had snowed the week before, but I can use what I know from the talk with Miko Peled and our class presentations.

From what I learned, I really don't like how Isreal is treating the Palestinians and to stop the turmoil between the two, my suggestion as a solution would be a one state solution.

The Palestinians are treated unfairly; they should not be refugees in their own country or even others because Israel has distroyed their homes and made life for then so hard. I do believe that they can both live in harmony (of course there will be people who don't like that if they were to live that way).

At first I was debating with myself that Palestine should get all the power take back the land, take control, bring their people home. While I do think that they should bring their people home, I do believe that if it were to go this way it would still be the same as it is today, just with the table turned. AS much as I sympathize and fell as if I am almost bias towards Palestine, there are Isreali's who live there and that's all they know, I'd feel a little smidget bad if things really plummted for them. A one state solution where the people live toghter and the government can come toghter to cater towards both Israel and Palestine equally would be best. There are just some things that Palestinians cannot relate to of the Israeli's and Israeli things that Palestinians cannot relate to, so there needs to be some common ground. Coming from an African American female living in White male United States, I believe this is a good suggestion.

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