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  • Writer's pictureMikayla

Reflection 6

We had another guest speaker, Dr. Laehy. Today she re-hashed everything that we have been learning for the past week. She also touched on the topic of the US involvement in the Middle East. She said that the US likes to take part in situations that involve peace making and I believe that this is true. A lot of the world looks at the US to involvethemselves in many issues (even if we ar not favored).

Some of the peace making involvement Pre-9/11 includes Camp David (1978) and the Oslo Accords (1993) which were thought to be successful. The the ones that are seen as less successful are the Wye River Talks (1998), Clinton Camp David Summit (2000), and The Annapolis Talks (2007).

One of the subjects that she touches on is Post-9/11 where the saying "Why do they Hate Us" was a frequent theme. Among the many reasons, hypocrisy of values of human rights and freedoms is one that stood out and something that I can agree with.

How can you preach about freedom of this and that, but you turn your back against a country that is trying to gain their freedom while to supply those who are doing the oppression. It doesn't make sense to me. I do agree that the US is very hypocritical and only does things that they can benefit from. The US is very work/ business oriented and that is something that I think is good, but too much of a good thing can be bad. This can even be seen on a micro level where the people that live here when some people will sacrifice family for business.

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